By blackmountaincycles,
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Due to the overwhelming interest in the Mod. Zero frame, I feel a new model is needed to round out the Black Mountain Cycles frameset offerings. I’ve been knee deep in developing a new frame based on the Mod. Zero. The Mod. One will be completely designed with a look to the future of cycling. Utilizing the ultimate in frame materials, the frame and fork will be constructed out of the highest grade carbon fiber that is not yet commercially available. The beauty of this new carbon fiber is that it rides exactly like a fine steel bicycle, yet a frame weight of under 1kg is possible.
This new design will allow for adjustable bottom bracket drop, chainstay length, fork offset, and fork length. Basically, it will be the Swiss Army Knife ® of bikes. A quiver killer. N=1. You want 700c x 35 wheels – no problem. Same with 700c x 55, 650b x 55, 650b x 42, 26 x … you get the idea. There is no end to the wheel/tire configurations. Mix and match sizes. Whatever you want to run, the Mod. One will adapt to any size combo.
In addition to the multitude of wheel sizes, the Mod. One will be compatible with wired, wireless, cable operated, the new Mind Control™ drivetrains, or single-speed/fixed gears. Internal or external routing – it’s your choice. There’s nothing quite like the smooth jazz lines of an internally routed fixed gear cable system.
The new technology incorporated into the Mod. One that is so new, even Bike Rumor hasn’t heard about it. That is the new Zero Mount™ brake. Zero Mount™ brake calipers are completely integrated into the chainstay and fork leg. In fact, unless you know they’re there, only the fact that there is a rotor on the hub will clue you into the fact the bike has brakes. They are also compatible with either DOT fluid or mineral oil. The internal seals are made using a space-age polymer that is compatible with any fluid, even olive oil if, for some reason, you find yourself stranded in the countryside of Sicily in need of a brake bleed at that one house with the smell of home-cooking wafting from the door.
Due to the current production woes that plague the industry, the estimated availability of the Mod. One is unknown. I feel, however, that it is best to completely devote onself to working on rolling out this wünderbike well before the Mod. Zero is available simply because this will absolutely revolutionize the industry. There’s never been anything like it. Never will anyone micro-analyze the features of a new bike to decide if it is right for them because this will have all those features. I’m basically doing all the decision making work so you don’t have to.
So, who’s ready for the Mod. One?

(What’s playing: Led Zeppelin Fool In The Rain)
Hi, How’re You Doing?
Bar None
Dang unobtainiums!! 😆😆😆 Nice!!!
The Sheldon love is strong today!
I assume still under $1000 for the frameset ? 🤣
I assume it also comes kitted with those Fancee Wheals with trailing spokes deleted as that tension only works against you? Brake delete model also available? Ferrous frame variant also available?
All the fancee pants parts.
Now I see why you sold me your RB-1. Compared to your new Mod. One, it is such a useless iron relic. I can’t believe I paid actual money for it. I’m also pretty sure it isn’t compatible with Mind Control so retrofitting isn’t going to be an option. I feel so ripped off. 😉
I have it on good faith that the RB-1 has an uncanny knack of feeling like it is self-pedalling.
What a nice chuckle I had in the crazy madness around us – thank you Mike! And yes, put me down for ONE, please 🙂
It’s so stealth.
Lol!!!! Love that. I don’t know that it is for me. I am still rocking rim brakes and triples on my rides.
When’s the vibranium model coming ?