Details coming, but first…

I’m working on getting details out on the US made frames, but have been a little busy this week building two Potts bikes for customers that will be taken to the NAHBS show in Denver next weekend.  I didn’t get a chance to take any photos of the 29″er since as soon as I finished, […]

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OG Gordon…

Bruce Gordon is the Original Gangster of what now folks affectionately call ‘gravel grinder’ bikes or ‘monster cross’ bikes.  Back then, the bikes didn’t have such descriptive names.  Back then folks either rode a mountain bike, road bike, or cross bike.  Hybrids were coming out, but a hybrid was really a bike that didn’t do […]

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Closed for a couple days…

Quick public service announcement:  Black Mountain Cycles will be closed Sunday February 3 through Tuesday February 5.  Back at it on Wednesday the 6th.   (What’s playing:  Cyclocross Worlds!)

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Mechanic or technician…

If you work on bikes for a living, do you call yourself a mechanic or a tech (technician)?  This is a question I’ve pondered for quite a while.  I think I first heard the term “tech” used by the warranty guy at a bike company where I was working.  I recall stopping and thinking the […]

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Here’s your chance: Indy Fab & Kish…

Every once in a while, a gem comes through the shop.  Sometimes the gem is a classic bike.  Sometimes it’s a modern bike that has the pedigree of a classic.  Here are two frames that are both classic and modern.  And both are for sale.  The owner of these frames has more bikes that the […]

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Bells and whistles…

The final build last week pulled out all the bells and whistles.  Except there were neither bells nor whistles on this bike.  Yet.  This turned into a complete bike build after deciding the owner’s current mountain bike couldn’t be converted into more of a touring bike because of the lack of eyelets and braze-ons.  This […]

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Monotone bike building…

Last week saw a frenzy of gray bike building as the last of the gray frames left the building (except for the 50cm and 65cm sizes).  There were a several full bike builds and a couple parts transfers.  All turned out very nice.   First up are a couple of 65cm builds that were parts transfers […]

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Look back, look forward…

So, it seems one now needs to remember to write 2013 on their checks instead of 2012.  That might take some time, some crossing out, some initialing to instill.  I am not typically a retrospective person and I’m not one to make resolutions.  So, a New Years post getting all gushy over the past while […]

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Tradesman by Soulcraft…

In between arranging for the arrival and shipping out frames (including some frames that weren’t supposed to ship), I picked up a medium Soulcraft Tradesman that finally got built this last week.  I built it with a complete Shimano SLX kit.  The frame’s bottom bracket is a PF30 so I used a RaceFace PF30 to […]

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They’re here…

As it might be surmised, the frames arrived on Monday.  Unloading and organizing by frame size followed along with pulling frames that were already sold.  Frameset QC check ensued.  This involved checking frame alignment, paint and decals, a few measurements, check crankset fitment – all good.  The frames that were sold with headsets had cups […]

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Cross frame update…

First, I want to thank everyone who has pre-paid for your cross frames.  I’m pretty much totally overwhelmed by the response to this second run of frames.  As it stands today, gray 56, 59, and 62 are sold out.  There are two 50cm, one 53cm, and several 65cm frames available in gray.  All sizes in […]

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12-12-12 update…

Now that I have info, I can update folks.  First bit of info, the boat with the frames is at the dock in Oakland.  It should be unloaded today then the frames need to get through customs and finally trucked up to Pt. Reyes Station.  I’m guessing early next week for arrival here, but it […]

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