Closed Sunday May 12…

Like the title says, I’ll be closed Sunday, May 12.  It’s Mother’s Day and I’m going for a ride.  And visit my mom too.  Hope you’re doing the same. (What’s playing:  The Sadies A#1)

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A lot of good progress has been made on the Falconer Cycles made Black Mountain Cycles cross frames.  One of the more difficult aspects of producing a frame that has clearance for low q-factor cranks and clearance for fat tires is the chainstay shape.  Easy to design one.  Not so easy as one would think […]

Filed under: US Made Cross Frame

New road frames on order…

As I mentioned in the previous post, I have a new road frame order placed.  I’m anticipating the frames will be here around the end of July into August.  The sooner the better I say.  In anticipation of the new frames, I’m looking at a new color.  All the trends are indicating a light blue […]

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No news is good news…

I guess no news is good news, but wouldn’t any news be welcome? However, sometimes there’s so much new news that it’s hard to get it all out.  Or rather, it’s difficult to figure out how to get it out.  Sometimes your “to do” list is so lengthy and every item is equally important, but […]

Filed under: US Made Cross Frame

When did $1,100 become reasonable…

For $1,100 one could purchase a lot of things.  Heck, some families in the world make due with less than that to support themselves for the whole year.  According to VeloNews dot com, the new series of wheels from DT Swiss “hits a reasonable price point between $1,060 – $1,140.”  Reasonable.  Maybe compared to the […]

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I alluded to receiving some new rims that aren’t available anywhere else.  That’s not an entirely true statement.  They are available.  It’s just that you have to order them direct from the manufacturer in China and pay $35 shipping per rim.  That puts that rim at $105 each.  Not bad as there are rims that […]

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Wheels and bikes oh my…

It’s a good thing I don’t set myself a regular schedule for posting to the blog.  I would have failed miserably seeing that the last post was about 2 weeks ago.  That’s not because I’ve been sitting my hands, not doing anything.  On the contrary, it seems that the addition of the custom wheel page […]

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Closing shop for a couple days…

Taking a few days off.  No bike, but maybe a run or two.  The shop will be closed Sunday, March 31 through Tuesday April 2.  Back to things on Wednesday.  In the mean time, these two builds will keep me busy today.   (What’s playing:  Johnny Cash Mean Eyed Cat)

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Custom wheels…

I added a Custom Wheels page to the website quite a while ago.  Then I promptly left it blank for many months.  Been meaning add info to that page for quite some time and the inspiration finally hit me this morning.  Well, inspiration and realizing I’d neglected that page on the site.  There you have […]

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I feel bad…

I feel bad that 99% of the roadies out there who bought their road bikes within the past decade or so will never get to experience the pleasure of riding fat tires on their road bike.  The majority of road bikes on the road are sold with 23mm tires.  Doesn’t matter if you’re 5’2″ tall […]

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Get the most out of your canti brake…

With all the focus on disc brakes and getting the most out of mechanical discs, I thought I’d address the good old cantilever brake.  Maybe folks’ dissatisfaction with them is simply because they aren’t set up properly.   I see a lot of canti brakes during my day in the shop since my own cross frames […]

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More details on the U.S. frame…

Not a crazy amount of details, but enough to wet your whistle.  Hopefully.  There are one detail that I want on the frame that will likely take a little time.  I want a head badge for this frame.  My concept for the badge is a photo I took a while back and between converting that […]

Filed under: US Made Cross Frame