One more with all the parts…
The light blue looks even better built up. Something to think about. Do I need to build a new bike? Hmmm… (What’s playing: The Black Keys I’ll Be Your Man)
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The light blue looks even better built up. Something to think about. Do I need to build a new bike? Hmmm… (What’s playing: The Black Keys I’ll Be Your Man)
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Dang. Been a while since the last post. Too much going on. Thought a frame update would be an ideal way to start a Saturday. New road frames arrived this past Tuesday. Colors are orange and light blue. I always dig the orange color, but the new light blue is pretty smoking hot. It turned […]
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How well do you know your bike. If you spend hours and hours on it, it should be like your best friend, your life partner, your third arm. In other words, you should know it pretty damn well. Close your eyes, do you see the spot on the head tube where the paint is worn […]
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A nice tap makes quick work of cleaning a bunged bottle boss. However, there are times when trying to fit a tap handle with tap attached into a tight space just doesn’t work. And there are plenty of times as I’m prepping frames and want to clean the paint out of bosses (especially those on […]
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Within the next couple of days, the new run of road frames will be on the water headed here from Taiwan. It should be roughly 3 weeks before they show up here and become available to ship out. I got a photo from Taiwan of the light blue and I am psyched at how it […]
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Time is running out to get yourself a custom color cross frame. As per this post, I am offering the chance to get a cross frame painted in any of the past colors I have done if you want something different than the green or gray that will make up the bulk of this new […]
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The current batch of cross frames is just about sold out. I’ve got a couple 65cm frames in orange and gray and a few 56cm and 59cm frames in orange. I place a new order about a month ago for more cross frames. There are a couple of minor changes to this next run: increased […]
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Yes, you read that right. Some shops have shop dogs. I have a shop frog. A Pacific Tree Frog, or Pacific Chorus Frog to be precise. He (and I know it’s a he because only the hes croak) showed up early last fall. I walked into the bathroom and there he was at eye level […]
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As a sole-proprietor, owner/operator, one-man bike shop, it really is all about me. I’m not necessarily comfortable with that. I try to avoid using “I” when I write a blog post, but that’s pretty much impossible so I limit its use. Even though it pretty much is all about me, I want it to be […]
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I have a confession and an apology. I’ve learned recently that I’m not a real bike shop. I feel the need to apologize to everyone who purchased something from me or had me work on a bike. If you feel I’ve pulled the wool over your eyes with my pretending to be a bike shop, […]
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Don’t stick out, or I’ll cut you off. If you’re the threaded end of a quick release skewer, that is. Most complete bikes are supplied with quick releases where the skewer end doesn’t extend past the adjusting nut. However, if you buy an aftermarket set for your bike, chances are that you just bought a […]
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Since I’m getting requests to outline the differences between the made in USA frameset and the made in Taiwan frameset, I thought the subject deserved a full-blown post with 8×10 color glossies, circles and arrows, and a paragraph on the back of each one describing what each one is.* The obvious difference is where each […]
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